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Volcanic Eifel and Water

The Volcanic Eifel is a region located in the German federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz. It is part of the Eifel and belongs to the Rhenish Slate Mountains (German: Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). The area – especially around the town of Daun – was shaped by fairly recent volcanism and is characterized by volcanic craters, maar lakes, pumice and basalt deposition. The Volcanic Eifel remains volcanically active to this day. Volcanic gasses that are emitted, at Lake Laacherfor instance, are typical signs of this volcanic activity. Water from areas of cooled volcanic activity is especially high in natural carbonic acid. Carbonic acid develops when magma cools off without the aid of the Earth's mantle. It pushes its way up and then mixes with water flowing by. The dolomite rock of the Volcanic Eifel is fairly close to the Earth's surface. Due to their origin in the Volcanic Eifel, Gerolsteiner Sparkling and Gerolsteiner are by nature high in minerals: 2,479 mg/l in total. Thanks to this well-balanced mineral content they taste neither salty nor bitter or sour, but rather neutral and refreshing.

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We recommend drinking 2 liters of mineral water on a daily basis, in addition to a well balanced diet and an active lifestyle.

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